No seriously. . .
1-10 on gutta butt trollop activity scale, that sh*t’s an 100. Any female who willingly smashes the homie should have DANGER TATTED on her fore head. . .
This goes for men too.
Where are the limitations? That’s my question. If you’ll smash the homie what else will you do? So we’re together, I introduce you to the homie & ya’ll get nook? REALLY? There are so many different scenarios that come with this. The female feels as if she’s being done wrong, the dude’s friend comforts her & somehow, someway they end up smashin. . .
My questions are. . .
What kind of friend are you, #1, that you would have sex with my significant other & what kind of spouse are you that thinks its ok to SMASH THE F*CKIN HOMIE?????
I was in this situation about 3 years ago & I was ready to drop the Unibomba. I’m so serious. Luckily, I didn’t have a car then or it would’ve been on & POPPIN. I lived in Houston. . . There are 5 million people here. && out of 5 million people, that’s who you chose? Come on. What happened to loyalty? Honesty? MORALS? I’ll explain why I believe this is on the highest level of hoea**niggism for me.
What about your friends????
A friend is someone who you go to about anything. Someone you can depend on. Usually you can tell your friends things you can’t even tell your family. If you 2 are close enough you probably look at each other as family. You end up maintaining a kind of loyalty to your friends. . . Like a dog to it’s master per se.(Neither is the dog or master just explaining the loyalty. . .stay with me lol) There will be disagreements but at the end of the day that’s your man 100 grand. You right hand.
Is that your chick?
Then there’s the significant other. The person you’ve more than likely given your body to; shared secrets with that your friends OR family probably don’t know. You begin to develop a loyalty as husband & wife even if you’re not married. (Yes, I can compare these 2 because there are some people with the bf gf title who are FAAAAAARRRR more loyal than most husband & wives. That’s a diff blog ) All in all these 2 counterparts have 1 thing in common. YOU. Their loyalty to you.
I did it to show you how trifling they are. . .
NO. . . you did it & showed how trifling YOU are. Why would you be intimate with someone I’ve been intimate with? Why would you be intimate with someone I look at as family? More than likely I’ve you told detail after detail about our relationship. We have an argument & I come to you about it.
I’m bringing you both to events & what not & the next thing niggas know, ya’ll showin up together? WHAT IS THAT?
Bros before hoes
What happened to this? I agree with it somehwhat, I must admit. Good friends are few & far in between. A TRUE friend will be there no matter what. You’ll run into different companions for the most part but your FRIEND should be there through all of it. ALTHOUGH, I must say that a significant other who is actually loyal to you comes few-ER & FurthER in between. It’s different to be friends with someone because there are different ties. Different emotions. But for the most part your significant other is your friend. So with a situation as such not only are you losing 2 friends but possibly the love of you life as well if you guys took it that far.
It’s sneaky. . .
On top of everything. You would HAVE to be sneaking in order to develop that type of relationship & if you’re sneaking then there is a part of you that knows it’s wrong. These type of relationships don’t last & they do end up lasting it will be DRAMA FILLED to say the least. I know a couple of people who think that this is ok . . .
“If you develop a bond. . .” There would be no bond to be developed because you’re not supposed to be overstepping that boundary in the first place. NOT COOL Even if you guys broke up & had been broken up for years. Howawkward would it be for you to show up at a function & have to be around your ex & your friend freaking making googley eyes at each other. Holding hands? DOIN THE MOST come on. . . & if you have children together it’s even worse. I consider my friends kids my nieces & nephews. Usually when you have kids they call your friend auntie & uncle. So once the tables turn, what are you Uncle Daddy???????????????? FOH. It’s 2011 people. . . I mean really. The moral of the story is:
Smashing the homie is trife on both ends & if they try to explain & come up with excuses. Even try to put it on you, you need to stop talking to both them mufuggas.
What goes around comes around & vice verse. . .
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