Ladies: Isn't it funny how seemingly EVERY MAN on God's green earth wants you when you're in a relationship? It seems like you can't even walk out of the house without getting a honk or a "hey lil mama, excuse me miss" OR some lame ass punchline. Once I had a guy pay for my gas before I could even get to the window! lol.
Fellas: Ever find it weird that the females you NEVER expected to talk to you, come & talk to you when you're with someone? && it's always the BAD ones isn't it?
I came up with my own logic for this a while back.
Like to hear it? Here it go
I'll simplify this to the lowest commom denominator.
Usually when you get into a relationship, you put your best foot forward. I know a lot of women AND men who do INCLUDING myself. So when you're at your best about 85% of the time OF COURSE someone else is gonna want to talk to you. & by someone, I mean everybody & their daddy lol.
Seriously though
think about it. You meet someone that you REALLY like && you spend HOURS trying to find something to wear on your first date. If they just so happen to pop up on you, you run to the bathroom just to brush your hair. You excuse yourself if you have gas. You sip your drinks real pretty like. You ALWAYS want to make sure you look your best. You even start ironing your clothes o_O lol
I had an ex who didn't even want to SEE me if he didn't have his hair cut. lol. I used to be like, "No, it's fine. Just come over." && he used to make up excuses, then, he finally admitted that he never wanted to see me if his hair wasn't cut or he was wearing somthing that I had already seen him in.
I call it the relationship mask because some people MOST people change that ish up after about 3 or 4 months.
Don't let all of this new attention take your mind off of the fact that you are still in a relationship though. At the end of the day, remember who you're doing it for. . . The both of YOU.
I'm not the type that usually likes a whole bunch of attention anyway, so I usually ignore it BUT if you're anything like an old friend of mine (who shall remain nameless)& you live off of & crave attention then. . . Maybe you should rethink being in a relationship ALL TOGETHER because that in itself will cause drama. But that's a whole 'nother blog :)
. . . Sincerely, Venus
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